Chance Beaubouef

Chance Beaubouef
With more than 35 National Titles under his belt, Chance Beaubouef is among the winningest archers in history. As an Elite, Scott, and CBE Pro Staffer, Chance shares tips, tricks, and techniques in between his pursuits of a podium position.

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Pro Tips: Hunting Release Options

Over the years I have shot all different styles of releases for hunting. A few years ago, I began shooting the Scott Longhorn Hex, and fell in love with it. I’ve had great success with all different types of hunting releases, but the Hex keeps me honest when the moment I’ve been waiting all fall for finally comes. I spend most of my time practicing and competing with a hinge style release or a “back tension” and the Hex gives me the same feel of a hinge. The Hex is a mixture of a hinge style and a wrist strap release and is designed with a wrist strap with a rope lanyard that attaches to a pivot point on the release. This pivot point allows the release to be drawn without the worry of a misfire. This is exactly the style of release that I was looking for.

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